Practice Areas

Family/Domestic Law

Family/Domestic Law

Few human experiences are more difficult and emotional than the issues leading to family legal problems. Competent, objective and effective representation is usually essential to recovering your equilibrium and peace of mind. Click on the links below to learn about and also discover how Kelly Peterson can help you in the following areas.

Areas of Family Law:

  1. Family Law Financial Issues
    1. Spousal Support (Alimony)
    2. Child Support
    3. Division of Debt in Divorce
    4. Division of Property
    5. Retirement and Financial Assets
    6. Insurance
    7. Real Property
    8. Income and Earning Ability
    9. Business Ownership & Valuation
  2. At What Point In A Divorce Process Is The Divorce Finalized?
  3. Custody & Visitation
  4. Stepparent Adoption: Terminating Parental Rights Of An Abandoning or Abusive Parent To Allow for Stepparent Adoption
  5. Special Issues In Custody/Visitation Matters
    1. Mental Health Issues
    2. Substance Abuse Issues
    3. Parental Alienation
    4. Child Abuse and Child Neglect
    5. Private Guardian ad Litem
    6. Non-Parent And Grandparent Custody
    7. Relocation
      1. What Considerations Govern Relocation Of Children After Divorce?
      2. What Factors Does The Court Consider In Allowing Relocation?
  6. Temporary Orders & Final Orders
    1. What Is A Temporary Order?
    2. What Other Tips Should I Know About Temporary Orders Hearings?
    3. What Are The Possible Remedies If I Disagree With A Temporary Order?
    4. Objecting To The Court Commissioner’s Ruling And The Role Of The Court Commissioner
  7. Protective Orders & Restraining Orders
    1. Domestic Violence
  8. Finding Evidence In Your Case
    1. Discovery In Family Law
    2. Evaluations & Expert Witnesses
  9. Contempt: Motions To Enforce Court Orders
  10. Preparing For Your Case
  11. Mediation
    1. What Is Mediation? How Is Mediation Conducted In Family Law Cases In Utah?
    2. What Can I Expect During Mediation?
  12. Prenuptial Agreements and Postnuptial Agreements
  13. Post-Decree Issues
    1. Modifying Or Challenging Court Orders
      1. Modification Of Child Support Orders
      2. Modification Of Custody And Visitation Orders
      3. Modifications Of Alimony Orders
    2. After The Divorce Decree Enters, Then What?
    3. Relocating With Children Or Preventing Relocation With Children
  14. Jurisdictional Issues
    1. How Is It Decided Which State Will Have Jurisdiction In My Custody Proceeding? And Can I Change Jurisdictions?
    2. Does The Child Need To Be Physically Present In Utah To Exercise Jurisdiction?
Contact Us online or call us to arrange a consultation at (801) 616-3301.
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