Parental Alienation Lawyer

Kelly Peterson | Law Office of Kelly Peterson

Although very experienced in all aspects of family law, Kelly Peterson also has specific expertise for and specializes in cases involving parental alienation, gatekeeping, and parent time interference.

Parental Alienation – Part 1 of 3: Behaviors Of Alienating Parent, Alienated Child & Harm Caused

Parental Alienation – Part 2 of 3: Judicial Misconceptions. How Judges & Lawyers Often Get It Wrong

Parental Alienation – Part 3 of 3: How to Prove It, And What Can Be Done To Fix It

Family law attorney Kelly Peterson can help you defend your parental rights and deal with a parental alienation situation.

General Information

Specialist For Cases Involving Parental Alienation, Gatekeeping, and Parent Time Interference.

Parental Alienation attorney Kelly Peterson is uniquely qualified to address parental alienation, gatekeeping, and parent time interference issues. To discuss the details of your case, call the Law Office of Kelly Peterson at (801) 616-3301 today!

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